Acid Reflux In Newborns
Health Screening - Prevention and Disease control.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
The new "holistic health center" consists of different, completely holistic (entire body) oriented components: A) Fast, effective, pain-free and non-invasive diagnosis, B) Analyzing and immediate treatment of meridian blockages, C) Energy therapy for over 200 disease conditions including cancer, nerve- and bone related diseases, D) Health monitoring and effective prevention to avoid future disease manifestation.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
A Holistic Health Center in the design of a mini-clinic will serve the urgent need of health screening and prevention. Health Screening is a new method for early non-invasive diagnosis, usually performed within a few minutes. It is based on the over 5.000 year old knowledge of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is the first reliable Meridian Diagnostic in the world. Cost efficient and highly accurate - up 95%.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
Meridian diagnostic is the core concept of efficient health analyzes. A computer based high tech measurement of the 12 main meridians and its correlated organs. It provides a complete energetically picture of a person displayed in an easy to read graphical format. The measuring points are (20) on the fingers and (20) on the toes. Overall biological energy levels, meridian balance, yin - yang, left - right, top - bottom organs, etc. is recorded and can be used for future therapy control (health screening).
Energy levels over 50% reflect health, vitality, less aging, high immune system activity. Energy levels under 50% reflect energy deficit, low immune system activity, disease condition, chronic diseases.
Therapy suggestions are displayed with exact treatment points. One of the major advantages of the Meridian Diagnostic is the advantage to discover unknown Meridian Blockages in the system. When one or more meridian blockages exists the patient becomes Therapy Resistant, which means no therapy will have a sufficient effect. With the BioGraph meridian diagnostic system we are able not only to discover blockages furthermore we can treat and "delete" those blockages immediately. The patient turns from therapy resistant into therapy receptive. The therapy effects are re-established.
The second component in the Holistic Health Center is the world leading and cost efficient "Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy" (PERTH) acc. to Prof. Dr. Werner (Germany).
Four (4) complete professional therapy systems on a therapy bed will serve app. 32-50 people treatments per day. The capacity can be extended to 8 therapy systems and will serve more than 64 people treatments per day. The basic research of the PERTH therapy started in the early 1920's with Dr. Royal Rife (The end of all diseases), later research by over 200 Russian researcher for the space program MIR in Russia and since 1994 the research is finalized by a well known German researcher and medical professional Prof. Dr. Werner. In cooperation with leading German universities Werner developed the cancer and bone therapy programs with proven results in 1000's of medical and clinical studies.
The new PRTH P5 professional treatment system is easy to use, non-invasive, pain free and highly effective for prevention and disease treatment. The energy increase can be monitored with the Meridian Diagnosis immediately after a treatment session.
Particular meridians and related organs are effected long time before a disease becomes a pathological issue. (green - normal, yellow - attention and red - signals treatment is necessary). For example most cancer patients have an energy level of only 25%, or energy deficit of 75%. This means the immune system is nearly not functioning anymore. Fertile ground for cancer cell grow is established without major defense. Cancer can spread in the body. The reverse circumstance high energy levels - a powerful immune system, health and vitality and a non toxic environment don't allow cancer cell grow. Disease development of any kind becomes impossible. The Meridian Diagnosis and PERTH treatment combination will make those scenarios visible and immediate treatment plans can be developed. The treatment effect is tested and recorded on a patient by patient basis during the very first measurement - therapy - measurement sequence.
This reflects the most effective way to prevent any kind of disease long time before it would appear. In addition the treatment of existing diseases is not "blind" anymore and the patient - treatment response can be finalized through different therapy applicators. For example mat treatment for energy balancing and meridian harmonization, oxygen increase in the blood (65% after 10 minutes), immune system boost, better sleep and vitalization etc. The treatment with the head applicator for the central nervous system, head, eye, ear, nose diseases and brain related diseases like Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's etc. The intensive applicator for all joint related problems and to rebuild the cartilage, which is alone a phenomena and was completely impossible before. Finally a point applicator for any pain related circumstance. The PERTH therapy system is very easy to use, any therapist assistant can perform the treatment after a short introduction. As soon a therapy plan is in place patients for therapy or prevention can go in and out on their scheduled appointment without long waiting periods.
- Degenerative bone and joint disease (hip arthritis, Bechterew's disease, Sudeck's disease)
- Arterial circulation disturbance (hardening of arteries in the leg as result of smoking, lower leg sores, stroke, heart attack)
- Asthma, allergies,
- Burnout syndrome
- Cancer, Leukemia
- Heart diseases
- Liver cirrhoses
- Eye diseases (cataract)
- Venous circulation disturbance (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis)
- Sport injuries, healing of wounds and bones, general regeneration of tissue
- Chronic turbal catarrh resistant to treatment, tympanic effusion, inflammation of the middle ear
- Stabilization of circulation
- High and low blood pressure
- Pulmonary emphysema
- Osteoporosis
- Radiant sickness
- Acute and chronic nasal cavity sicknesses
- Virus infections, allergies, migraine and asthma
- Tinnitus aurium (ear noises) and macular edema (retina damage)
- Stress, sleep and digestive problems
- Metabolic disturbances (normalization of fatty acid and pH values)
- Diabetes in the elderly
- Incontinence, bed wetting with children
- Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),
- Climatic problems, potency problems
- Rheumatic disease with chronic pains
Indications are given in strict conformity with International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems of the 10th review, accepted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.
The sequel of nervous system inflammatory diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, myelites, encephalomyelitis), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, headache, transitory cerebral ischaemic attacks, sleeplessness, disturbances of sleep-awake cycles, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve lesions, neuralgia, neuritis, phantom limb pain syndrome, mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies (including diabetic), infantile cerebral paralysis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia and other paralytic syndromes, vegetative nervous system disorders, vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia, hydrocephalus, toxic and other encephalopathies, intracranial hypertension (increase of intracranial pressure), fatigue syndrome in recovery period.
Hypothyrosis, clinical manifestations of hyperthyrosis (thyro-toxicosis), diabetes mellitus, adrenal / ovarial / testicular dysfunction, local fat deposits, adiposis, bilirubin metabolism disturbances, mucoviscidosis.
Acute alcoholic intoxication, abstinent delirium (delirium tre-mens) and abstinent status without delirium, symptomatic treatment of chronic alcoholism, depressive disorders, neurotic, stress induced and somatoformic disorders (tic, vegetative nervous system disorders, enuresis, logoneurosis, etc.), sleep-awake regimen disturbances of inorganic etiology, absence or loss of sexual libido, insufficiency of sexual reaction (impotence of inorganic origin), orgasmic dysfunction, mental retardation.
Essential (primary) arterial hypertension, hypertensive disease, arterial hypotony, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, paroxysmal tachycardia, intracerebra! hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, cardialgiae (pains in the cardiac region), cerebrovas-cular diseases sequelae, diffuse atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, narrowing (obliteration) of arterioles, varicosis, lymphadenitis, lymphoid edema, lymphangitis.
Acute nasopharyngitis (nasal cold), vasomotoric and allergic rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis (angina), acute laryngitis and tracheitis, chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic diseases of amygdalae and adenoids, chronic laryngotracheitis, diseases of vocal cords and larynx, acute obstructive laryngitis (croup), and epiglottitis, acute respiratory infections, viral and bacterial pneumoniae (inflammations of the lungs), acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, recurrent and chronic bronchitis (obstructive and non-obstructive), bronchial asthma, bronchoectasiae, pneumoconiosis (occupational pulmonary diseases), pleurites, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.
Oral cavity diseases, pyrosis, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal ulcer, esophageal dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis and duodenitis of various origin, pylorospasm, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic gastroenteritis and colitis, irritated intestine syndrome with and without diarrhea, constipation, functional diarrhea, neu-rogenous excitability of the intestine, anal sphincter spasm, anal and rectal fissurae and fistulae, hemorrhoids, alcoholic liver disease, toxic liver lesion, acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibro-sis and cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, biliary tracts dyskinesia, acute and chronic pancreatitis, vomiting after surgical intervention on gastroenteric tract, postoperative intestinal obstruction (intestinal paresis), dysfunction after colosto-my and enterostomy, secondary disturbances of intestinal absorption, disturbance of alimentary behavior (overeating).
Skin abscess, furunculi and carbunculi, panaris, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neurodermitis, psoriasis, Quincke's edema, burns (including sunburns), frostbite, focal alopecia (baldness), follicular cysts of the skin and subcutaneous fat, hyperhidrosis (sweating), vitiligo, callosities, atrophic skin lesions (trophic ulcers), hypertrophic skin lesions (keloid cicatrices), erysipelas.
Infection, postinfection and reactive arthropathiae, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, gout, polyarthrosis, osteoarthritis deformans, articular cartilage lesions, ligaments lesions, joints luxations and subluxations, hemarthrosis, exudate in the joint, pain in the joint, rigidity of the joints, osteophytes ("spurs"), lupus erythematosus, dermatopolymyositis, systemic sclerosis (including sclerodermia), systemic vasculites, scoliosis, osteo-chondrosis, torticollis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathiae, spondylosis, inter-vertebral disks lesions, radiculopathiae, radiculitis, ischias, lumbago, backaches, myosites (muscles inflammation), synovites, tenosynovitis and bursites, ligaments and joints injuries, pain in the limbs, other unspecified diseases of joints and soft tissues, bones fractures, poor fractures consolidation (including age-related fracture of the neck of the femur), osteomyelitis, periostitis, periodontitis, parodontosis, parodon-titis.
Hordeolum and chalazion, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, chronic inflammation of lacrimal ducts, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal scars and opacities, cataract, retinal breaks and detachment, diabetic retinopathy, open-angle glaucoma, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, squint, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (including age-related), blindness and lowered vision, eye pain.
Acute and chronic external otitis, non-purulent of middle ear, perforation of the drum membrane, tympanosclerosis, neurosen-sory hypoacusis, ototoxic hypoacusis, pain in the ear.
Glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic nephritic syndrome, acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, reflux-uropathy, toxic nephropathy, hydronephrosis (without obstruction), urolithiasis, renal ischemia or infarction, acquired renal cyst, acute and chronic cystitis, neuromuscular dysfunction of the urinary bladder, urethritis, urinary tract infection without definite localization, enuresis; hyperplasia of the prostate, adenoma of the prostate, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatocystitis, prostatic calculus, orchi-tis and epididimitis, balanopostitis, vascular disorders of male genital organs, certain forms of male sterility; mastopathia fibrocystica, mastitis, lactostasis, nipple cracks and fistulae; salpingitis and oophoritis, vulvovaginitis, incomplete vaginal prolapse, ovarial cysts, incorrectwomb positions, cervical erosion, myoma and fibromyoma, absence of menstruations, poor and rare menstruations, frequent, irregular menstruations, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pains, early menopause, climacteric status, recurrent abortion, secondary female sterility.
Arterial hypertension as complication of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period, edema and proteinuria caused by pregnancy, nephropathy of pregnancy, excessive vomiting of the pregnant, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, herpes of the pregnant, arterial hypotony syndrome in mother, preparation for childbirth, anesthesia during childbirth, hypothermia of unclear origin appearing after childbirth, changes of mammary gland and lactation.
Lesions of fetus and newborn caused by mother's diseases and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, intrau-terine hypoxia, respiratory disorders of fetus and newborn, non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in fetus and newborn, neonatal jaundice, transitory neonatal endocrine disorders, digestive disorders in perinatal period, thermoregulation disorders and skin changes in fetus and newborn, regurgitation, vomiting, poor sucking and overfeeding, muscular tonus lesion in newborn.
Increased blood pressure without diagnosed hypertension, cough, stridor, wheezing respiration, hiccup, sneezing, pain in throat and chest, pain in stomach and pelvic region, nausea and vomiting, pyrosis, meteorism, lesions of skin sensitivity, pain associated with urination, retention of urine, loss of consciousness and coma, nervousness, anxiety and excitation in association with failures and disasters, emotional shock and stress, speech and voice disorders (dysarthria, dyslexia, dysphonia), fever of unclear origin, headache, indisposition and fatigue, syncope and collapse, senility (without psychosis).
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