Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is My Colicky Baby Overfed? Three Ways to Tell If You're Overfeeding Your Infant

Acid Reflux In Newborns

While new parents expect that their baby may cry when hungry, the idea that a colicky baby may be crying due to overfeeding is not considered as often. However, there are certain indicators that can point to a problem with overfeeding, and which can reduce the occurrence of colic if resolved in a timely fashion. If your baby has these symptoms, speak with her pediatrician for advice. The doctor may recommend changes to the nursing routine, or if your baby is bottle fed, changes in the amount or type of formula you offer. Your baby's tummy often seems bloated or distended after a feeding. If your baby is nursing too much, or has too much formula, then that can throw off the timing of digestion. Milk will be passed to the intestines before adequate digestion has occurred - which in turn can lead to bloating, cramps and a colicky baby. Your baby often wants to be fed, but will often spit up large amounts of milk or formula after feedings. Sometimes, when a baby is overfed, the excess will be spit up. This in turn can lead to an acid reflux problem in infants that can cause painful irritation - thus leading to a colicky baby situation. If your baby's pediatrician approves, try adjusting the amount of formula you give at each feeding, or only nurse from one breast per feeding. Your baby seems to have excessive bowel movements, especially when accompanied by colic-like symptoms. This can be due in part to the undigested milk passing through his system. Again, it's important to speak to your baby's doctor before changing any feeding routines, to have other potential causes ruled out first.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Regular feedings are essential for all babies, however, overfeeding can cause just as many problems as underfeeding. For this reason, it is important to follow your baby's hunger cues rather than simply offering the bottle or breast each time she cries. Try other means of soothing your infant - rocking, singing, a pacifier or other distraction - before feeding if he's been fed recently. By adjusting feeding schedules with the approval and supervision of your baby's pediatrician, you may be able to eliminate colic that is caused by overfeeding. 

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Is My Colicky Baby Overfed? Three Ways to Tell If You're Overfeeding Your Infant

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fructose Malabsorption

Acid Reflux In Newborns

What is Fructose Malabsorption?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Fructose malabsorbtion (FM) was formerly known as "dietary fructose intolerance".

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Important Notice: Fructose malabsorption (formerly called dietary fructose intolerance) is not to be confused with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI). They are very different conditions. Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI), or fructose poisoning is a potentially fatal condition of the liver. It is a hereditary condition caused by a deficiency of liver enzymes that metabolize fructose. Consuming fructose can lead to all kinds of complications including jaundice, kidney failure and even death in those who are HFI.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Fructose malabsorbtion (FM), formerly known as "dietary fructose intolerance," is a digestive disorder of the small intestine. Fructose malabsorption is a digestive disorder in which deficient fructose carriers in the small intestine's enterocytes impair absorption of fructose. This leads to an excessive concentration of fructose in the intestines causing abdominal bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. When an individual has FM there intestines cannot absorb even small amounts of fructose. When fructose is not absorbed properly in the small intestine, the unabsorbed fructose is osmotically reduced and normal colonic bacteria to short chain fatty acids and gases hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane in the large intestine metabolize the absorption of water. This causes osmotic diarrhea, flatulence and bloating. The osmotic load itself might also have a laxative effect similar to that utilized by the commonly used disaccharide laxative lactulose. Osmotic diarrhea occurs when too much water is drawn into the bowels.

Unabsorbed fructose becomes a food for the bacteria living in intestines. The unpleasant symptoms of Fructose malabsorption often appear very similar to IBS or lactose intolerance. This condition is very common in patients experiencing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Some experts believe that fifty percent of those with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have fructose malabsorption. The symptoms present in fructose malabsorption are nausea, abdominal distention, vomiting, vitamin deficiencies, abdominal bloating, flatulence (sometimes excessive), diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, mental fog and stomach cramping and pain. It is fairly unknown among the medical community or even in mainstream literature. Fructose malabsorption is hard to find in health and medical books. Most doctors have no knowledge of its existence. It is estimated that thirty to forty percent of the population of Central Europe are fructmals. Individuals with fructose malabsorption are known as fructmals. Fructose is found widely in the diet as a free hexose, as the disaccharide, sucrose and in a polymerized form (fructans). Free fructose has limited absorption in the small intestine, with up to one half of the population unable to completely absorb a load of 25 g. Fructose is present in many of the foods we eat, usually in combination with glucose.

Primary symptoms

Stomach pains and cramping, colic and spasms (mild to severe) (Due to fermentation in small and large intestine.)
Nausea Flatulence (sometimes excessive and offensive)
(Due to fermentation.)
Diarrhea (Due to osmotic effects. It is not unlike taking laxatives.)
Abdominal distention, bloating

Secondary symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome Mental fog Nutrition and Vitamin Deficiencies (folic acid, iron, zinc, tryptophan and folate deficiencies) Vomiting Anxiety (Due to small bowel hurry) Early signs of mental depression (due to low levels of tryptophan causing serotonin deficiency) Poor skin, nail and hair conditions Headache Reflux (chronic heartburn)

Fructose Malabsorption

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Friday, November 25, 2011

Natural Remedies for Reducing Gas and Bloating

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Alright this isn't the most comfortable topic to discuss but let's face it, we have all experienced gas and bloating sometime in our life. It is an annoying and sometimes embarrassing condition that can result from poor dietary habits or improper digestion. Some of us may seem more prone to gas and bloating than others but the good news is with some simple dietary changes and natural remedies we can prevent future bouts of gas and relieve current episodes. If you are one who suffers on a regular basis, be sure to check with your health care provider to rule out other causes (Celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease etc) before trying any natural remedy.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

One of the easiest solutions is to eliminate foods that are known to cause gas and indigestion such as fried foods, spicy foods, processed foods, fructose and refined sugar. Other common foods that lead to gas and bloating include beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, apples and dairy products.

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Here are 6 other remedies for gas and bloating:

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1) Fennel. This delightful vegetable has a mild licorice flavor and can be eaten raw or sauteed. The actual fennel seeds can be crushed and made into a tea by adding boiling water. The fennel seeds can relax the muscles in your digestive track and allow trapped air to pass. Caraway seeds have similar properties and can be added to your meals to help ease gas and indigestion.

2) Organic Ginger. Drinking ginger tea or adding fresh grated ginger root to your foods is one of the best remedies for gas. Try adding some fresh ginger to your next stir fry or smoothie.

3) Take a Probiotic Supplement. Taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods with probiotics (like yogurt) is a great way to get rid of gas. Probiotics have many health benefits and can help keep your colon in optimal working order.

4) Acupuncture. Acupuncture has an effect on every system of our body especially our metabolism. Regular acupuncture treatments can help to regulate your bowels and digestive system to keep everything balanced and running smoothly.

5) Peppermint tea. Peppermint helps to relax digestive muscles. If you are not a particular fan of peppermint tea, peppermint capsules work great as well.

6) Hot Water. Easy enough and it works. About a half a cup of hot water should do the trick.

Hopefully some of these tips will help keep you gas and bloat-free. If you are faced with a bad episode of gas pains, lying on your back and doing the bicycle motion with your legs can help bring instant relief.

Natural Remedies for Reducing Gas and Bloating

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pregnancy Week by Week and CranioSacral Therapy

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The nine months of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters each consisting of three months duration (14 weeks each approx ). I have noticed that some common symptoms arise at each trimester that pregnant clients find are helped or alleviated with CranioSacral Therapy (CST).

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Let's consider the first trimester (that is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy).

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The first weeks after conception are when the body's organs and systems are formed. This is known as the embryonic period. At eight weeks the baby (embryo) is smaller than your little toe yet all the internal organs are formed and some are functioning! Some women choose to come for CST in preparation for conception as these early weeks are so vital in your baby's development.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Some mums-to-be may wonder if it is safe to have CranioSacral treatments when they are pregnant?

It is safe and desirable as Cranio-sacral work helps the body in adapting to the changes throughout the 40 weeks and it is desirable to have your body functioning at its best to support your growing baby.

Another concern which I hear sometimes at my clinic is if CST will induce premature labour?

CranioSacral therapy when correctly applied by a qualified CST therapist never goes against what your body wants to do. However miscarriages do occur in the first 12 weeks and if there is something wrong with the pregnancy it may happen that the body wants to abort the fetus, then CST can assist the body in what it naturally wants to do.

Nausea is a common complaint in the early weeks and can be triggered by a sensitivity to smells and certain foods. These symptoms are eased by CranioSacral therapy and a treatment in the early stages of pregnancy allows you to relax, helps you to adapt to your changing body and to establish a close connection with your growing baby. As the touch in CranioSacral therapy is very gentle it is a most suitable treatment right from the early weeks of pregnancy.

Another symptom that experienced by the newly pregnant mum is that of tiredness. Joan came for CST when she was ten weeks pregnant. She had a toddler of 2 yrs and worked full time. During treatments using certain relaxation-inducing touch she entered a deep relaxation and sometimes even slept. Afterwards she felt better able to cope with her busy schedule and delivered a healthy baby boy Oliver at 39 weeks.

Second Trimester (4th, 5th, 6th ) months.

As the nausea and tiredness of the 1st trimester disappear (for most!), the second trimester is a time of well-being. A problem that I see with some clients at this stage is Heartburn/Acid-Reflux. This occurs as the growing baby is putting pressure on the stomach.

Maire attended my clinic suffering from reflux while expecting her third child. She told me that she had digestion problems during her previous two pregnancies and had heard from a friend that CranioSacral therapy could help ease the heartburn. During her first treatment I placed my hands on her lower ribs and within minutes she could feel the tightness around her diaphragm melt away. She felt afterwards that she had more space for the baby and the pressure on her oesophagus had released. This helped to reduce the acid flow from the stomach into the throat. Combining treatments with avoiding rich foods, eating smaller meals and wearing looser clothes also helped with the reflux.

If the mum-to-be is anxious and taking on more than she can handle, this may then result in tension headaches. I have often treated clients for backache and they will find that their headaches have also disappeared. CranioSacral Therapy helps the client to tune in with the message coming from their body. They may discover the underlying reason causing their tension headache i.e worries about labour or needing more rest. CST offers the time to look into what is really going on and the tools to access the solutions to these queries.

The Third Trimester ( 7th, 8th, 9th month).

Your body signals a slow-down in the third trimester when tiredness again re-appears and sometimes shortness of breath. In late pregnancy some women seem to suffer from a stuffy nose as hormones in the body (which are softening the vagina for birth) cause the membranes inside the nostrils and sinuses to swell. A gentle cranial treatment that releases facial and nasal bones especially eases this condition.

Some clients find that the CranioSacral treatments combined with attention to diet eases the congestion. And once the baby is born this form of sinusitis will disappear!

The most frequent problem that brings pregnancy clients to my clinic is back pain in the final weeks of pregnancy. This can be experienced at any stage of the pregnancy but is most common in the last trimester. CranioSacral treatment is an excellent treatment for backache and a few treatments combined with stretching exercises, yoga or swimming typically results in a better sleep and less pain and aches.

Sometimes I may just see a mum-to-be just before her due date. It is useful even at this late stage to have a CranioSacral treatment as it prepares the body for labor. Even if a labor stalls it seems to proceed within renewed energy after a treatment.

Finally - it is always wonderful to treat the newborn as it feels like a relationship has already been established while treating the mum during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Week by Week and CranioSacral Therapy

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reducing Your Acid Reflux Greatly by Changing Your Eating Habits

Acid Reflux In Newborns

In our society today it is hard to eat proper foods at the proper times to minimize the chances that we may experience acid reflux symptoms. Some of these symptoms include the following, uneasiness in your stomach, a burning in your chest which could actually feel almost like a heart attack, burning in your throat, a nasty taste in your mouth, a persistent cough, and even hoarseness. One of the best ways to get fend off these symptoms of acid reflux is to pay close attention to our diet and our eating habits.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

1. Avoid Certain Types of Foods as much as possible.

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Knowing what type of foods and stay away from is key in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux. You should try to avoid chocolates of all kinds because this creates excess acid in your stomach. Also avoid fruits that contain a lot of citric acid such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes etc. this also creates excess at his acid in your belly that your body can't get rid of fast enough. You should also avoid fried foods and foods that contain excess fat. Not only these bad for your arteries but they stay in your stomach a lot longer therefore they cause your stomach to create excess acid to get rid of them.

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2. Eat smaller meals more times a day.

You should eat smaller meals may be five or six a day instead of eating free large meals. The reason behind this is when you eat smaller meals your body has time to digest the food properly and when you eat large meals. Therefore this lessens the chances for acid build up in your stomach in reducing the chance for acid reflux in the esophagus.

3. Eat more foods enriched with plant proteins.

When we eat foods containing large amounts of plant proteins such as beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables, our body uses the enzymes in these foods to reduce the amount of acids in our stomachs. Therefore when you have that steak dinner instead of a baked potato loaded down with sour cream or butter you should make yourself a leafy salad without the tomatoes because they contain excess citric acid. This is a healthier alternative for you plus it will greatly reduce the amount of acid in your belly.

4. Eat foods containing a lot of complex carbohydrates.

If you are person is prone to getting acid reflux you should eat a lot of foods containing complex carbohydrates such as breads, rice, pasta, because the complex carbohydrates in these foods help eliminate the acid in your stomach, therefore lowering your chances for an outbreak of acid reflux.

5. Limit the times that you eat.

It is hard to to keep a certain schedule for when we should eat but for those of us that suffer with acid reflux is a necessity to keep a proper schedule. You should not eat too late in the evening because your body will not have time to reduce the amount of medicine in your stomach before you lay down to go to bed therefore that increases the chances of acid flowing up into your esophagus creating an acid reflux problem. The last meal you should be should be at least three hours before you go to bed if not more. If you get hungry and need a snack right before you go to bed you should eat something light such as crackers because this will aid in soaking up any excess acid you have in your stomach.

6. Do Not rush things when you eat.

When you sit down to a meal you should take your time and enjoy your food. You should take at least 20 minutes for each meal and chew all your food completely because this aids in the digesting process lowering the amount of acid produced by your meal.

Using the tips mentioned above can greatly reduce the occurrences you have with acid reflux disease. And you can see these are not major changes but just simple things you can do to make your life more bearable if you suffer from acid reflux.

Reducing Your Acid Reflux Greatly by Changing Your Eating Habits

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Natural Remedies for Reflux

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Here are a few remedies that will help you, your older child, or your baby to cope with reflux.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Babies suffering from Reflux
Babies who repeatedly vomit are often diagnosed with reflux. A baby's sphincter muscle opens to allow food to pass through to the baby's stomach and then it closes to keep the food from regurgitating. The sphincter can sometimes inappropriately open and this causes the food and stomach acid to come back up into the baby's oesophagus. If the baby's sphincter muscle does not fully mature at the stomach end of the oesophagus the baby is likely to suffer from recurring vomiting.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Fortunately, by the end of the third month of a baby's life the sphincter has developed, so a baby is less likely to suffer from reflux once he is three months old.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

How can a Chiropractor help a Baby who suffers from Reflux?
A visit to a chiropractor may help a baby suffering from reflux. In order for your child's stomach to work as best as it can, it requires a properly functioning nervous system. If there is a birth related problem in the baby's nervous system that causes excessive vomiting, a gentle chiropractic adjustment will help the baby. An adjustment may help with your baby's peristalsis working at the correct level.

Natural Home Remedies that may help a Baby Suffering from Reflux
There are a number of easy remedies that may help a baby suffering from reflux to find relief.

When you are feeding your baby, keep the baby held in an upright position. Feed the baby more often, using smaller amounts of breast milk or formula. Burp your baby regularly during feeding as burping will minimize gastric pressure. Nursing mothers should avoid eating chocolate, eating or drinking foods containing caffeine, and eating foods containing garlic.

Your baby may settle in his cot more easily if you elevate the head of the cot by 30 degrees. Try to avoid travelling your baby by car, if he has recently been fed. Sleeping in a car seat can cause reflux because the baby's abdomen is compressed.

Reflux in Older Children and Adults
Older children and adults may also benefit from Chiropractic adjustments. Below are some home remedies that help control reflux for adults and older children.

If you suffer from reflux you may need to look at the type of foods you are consuming. Try to avoid eating spicy foods, foods or drinks that contain caffeine, and chocolate. Limiting your intake of alcohol may help you to control the frequency of your reflux attacks. Carry a packet of hard lollies or an apple with you, when you are away from home. Should you feel uncomfortable after a meal, suck a lolly or take a bite of an apple.

Add a tablespoon of natural cider vinegar to a glass of water. Mix well and drink during your meal instead of drinking plain water, soft drink, or alcohol. Drink decaffeinated coffee, decaffeinated tea or herbal tea after your meal instead of coffee or tea that contains caffeine.

A teaspoon of cold yogurt or milk may help alleviate the burning sensation associated with reflux.

Do not eat or drink before you go to bed. It is best if you do not eat for at least three hours before you lay down.

Follow the simple home remedies to help prevent reflux, so you have fewer and less severe attacks. Babies particularly will benefit from a few minor adjustments to their feeding routines.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

Natural Remedies for Reflux

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Monday, November 21, 2011

What Causes Digestive Disorders?

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The link between disease and the condition of the inner body is irrefutable. The inner cleaning of the human body is essential for it to perform at its best and boost its immune system to fight disease. The body converts to energy the food that it receives and in the process can experience some clogging up from impurities and require regular cleansing which can otherwise be a source of ill health. The elimination of waste generated in our system must take place at regular intervals, the body's natural biological processes will generate toxins which form a residue in the system and this process is on a continuous cycle from what we do and eat on a daily basis.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Although the body has a natural way to control and eliminate waste along with toxins, it may become overworked under circumstances where the level of toxins is in excess to what the body will eliminate on a daily basis based on food intake and lifestyle. The key question is how is waste created? Cells inside the body are replaced with new ones during every moment of life which produce some of the waste, while food and drink also add to it. The challenge here is that the old cells are poisonous and need to be eliminated from the body regularly and thoroughly everyday.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Our school and college education do not much emphasis on the effectiveness of a clean body and its influence on a healthy body and clear mind. The vast sums of money spent annually on health care is of a reactive nature which fund drugs, tests and other treatments which address the problem after it has occurred. At this stage, the subject of prevention might be mentioned but the importance of keeping the body clean with detoxification and reasonable hydration may well be ignored or not encouraged.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The cleansing of the inner body is the secret to health as all those who have practise it will vouch. Cleansing the body will do more to lay the groundwork for prevention than just about any other measure you take. A good example of this is the detoxification programs of addictions such as drugs and alcohol, the aim here is to eliminate the dependence on the drugs by the cleansing of the toxins and drugs from the body so that it can regain balance and energy for a normal cycle of existence.

The pain and discomfort from the digestive area is the result of inflammation from uneliminated waste which has accumulated and putrefied along the length of the digestive tract with all its twists and turns starting from the mouth and ending where waste is removed from the body.

The real cause and nature of inflammation is not readily acknowledged by traditional medicine where the focus tends to be on viral or bacterial infection. The key point here is that it is the toxins which is feeding the bacteria and causing inflammation as a result of uneliminated toxins that have been in the body for longer than it ought to be. Our energy levels is reliant on the condition of our digestive system, this is where it all happens when you take into account the process of food intake and drawing all of the nutrients from it, eliminating the waste and interacting with other organs in the body like the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas etc, plus the metabolic function that turn that food into blood, muscle and bone. You can appreciate why the digestive system consumes such a large amount of energy.

At some stage we have all felt the amount of energy that the digestive system consumes, in particular after a big meal of varied foods when your energy level are curtailed and you are more inclined to have a sleep instead of engaging in some physical activity.

Have you ever suffered the symptoms of a stomach ache? Or acid indigestion or acid reflux? And perhaps that heavy bloating feeling after a meal? These problems can all be attributed to foods not being properly and efficiently digested in the stomach, they stay in the stomach for too long and the eventual spoiling of the food causes the discomfort.

It is self evident that excessive eating and food combination is the major cause of those discomforts as anyone who has experimented with it will conquer.

What Causes Digestive Disorders?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Most Parents Don't Know About Probiotics and Acid Reflux Babies

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Whenever babies spit up and regurgitate, the medical professionals identify this condition as acid reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Parents find that feeding babies who are suffering from GERD is very challenging. This disease also affects their growth. In addition, they suffer from chronic lung disease, wheezing and coughing. For young babies, death is possible when they experience apnea.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

One of the common medications for acid reflux babies is Zantac. However, it doesn't prevent or cure acid reflux. Babies who take Zantac may experience some side effects. Many parents notice that their babies lost their appetite during the course of this treatment.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Some parents have turned to probiotics and used them to treat acid reflux babies. Probiotics have proven its effectiveness as a reliable treatment for indigestion in many studies. This means that they can help babies to digest their food better.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Population of probiotics in infants can be reduced in two ways. First, the administration of antibiotics into their bodies will destroy both good and bad bacteria. Second, when babies have acid reflux, it will decrease the population of probiotics.

You can correct the balance of flora in babies by giving probiotics to them. When the balance is restored,the incidence of acid reflux usually decreases. Can you see now how important is probiotics especially for babies with GERD?

Infant acid reflux is responsible for most cases of colic. Both of them share a similar trait which is crying. A recent study on probiotics involves 83 babies. They give Lactobacillus reuteri, a form of probiotics to half of the babies while the other half are administered with standard infant drops. Those on probiotics cry significantly lesser than those on standard infant drops.

You can give probiotics directly to your child. Alternatively, if you are breast feeding your baby, then take probiotics for yourself and allow the breast milk to pass the good bacteria to your baby.

Clinical studies demonstrate that Lactobacillus reuteri is safe and effective for everyone even babies. It also builds a protective layer along gastrointestinal tract as a shield against bad bacteria.

Given the right quantities, probiotics can help acid reflux babies. They also relieve the inflammation especially for babies who are lactose intolerant. Without probiotics, their digestive system will be compromised.

What Most Parents Don't Know About Probiotics and Acid Reflux Babies

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Asthma and Smoking - All You Need To Know and Exciting News

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Asthma is a respiratory disease and there has been a lot of research to support the fact that smoking does a lot of damage to the respiratory system.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most important facts as related to asthma and smoking and then we will look into some recent news that offer new-born hope that people with asthma will soon be able to get permanent relief.

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Smoking increases risk of asthma attacks by irritating the airways, making them more frequent. It keeps the lungs in poor condition, and symptoms are harder to control. Damaging tobacco substances settle in the lungs and may cause other health problems as well, such as cancer.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Smoking can also make the asthma treatments ineffective, by modifying the inflammatory process to the point of resistance to corticosteroids.

Asthma and smoking - Children

Second hand smoke needs to be avoided as well, as it is a known asthma trigger, and it can be even more dangerous than for the person that smokes. It is especially dangerous for children, as it can interfere with their lung development. In addition to asthma, children who are exposed to second hand smoke may develop other conditions, such as sinusitis and lung infection.

Children of mothers who smoked while pregnant often have respiratory problems and asthma tends to develop very easily. Other problems which smoking in pregnancy may induce include: newborns with low weight, premature births, and sudden infant death syndrome. There have been reports of children's asthma improving significantly after the parents have stopped smoking at home.

Asthma and smoking - Where is the problem?

It is absolutely clear that the best thing to do if you have asthma and are still smoking, is to quit smoking. The statistics show that the majority of asthma patients know how devastating smoking can be to their health, yet they still continue the same way. There has to be an underlying psychological condition and strong personal reasons and triggers that result in self-denial about the effects of smoking. Motivation and will power are very significant in these types of situations.

There are many different techniques that can help you quit smoking, such as nicotine patches or gum, getting a new hobby, exercising, or you can think about joining a support group.

Asthma and smoking should be mutually exclusive. If you are having troubles with quitting smoking, you might want to talk to a counselor. There are also specialists called respiratory therapists that serve precisely for this purpose, to help people with asthma quit smoking. They can be a good support when tempted. Quitting will help manage the condition, and improve overall quality of life.

A new protocol addresses asthma as an autoimmune condition and has shown some amazing results. The treatment is a holistic procedure known as the Norton Protocol. You can visit the official home page of the protocol and learn more about asthma and smoking as well as the advances in the course of treatment.

Asthma and Smoking - All You Need To Know and Exciting News

Acid Reflux In Newborns