Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How Can a Chiropractor Help My Fussy Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

A fussy or colicky baby that is otherwise healthy may benefit from chiropractic treatment. Colic is defined as unrelenting crying by infants, particularly newborn to 3 months of age, for more than 3 hours a day, over 3 days a week, and over the course of more 3 weeks. The cause of colic is still unknown by the medical community. Chiropractors propose that colic may be a symptom of vertebral subluxation resulting from birth.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Fewer than 5 percent of babies with inconsolable crying are found to have organic causes for their crying. Indigestion, constipation, ear infections, acid reflux, urinary tract infections, and lung or heart conditions are all possible causes that should be investigated. However, most babies show no known underlying medical conditions and outgrow their colic without treatment by the time they reach 4 months. This fact could point to a cause of colic rooted in nervous system development shortly after birth.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

An infant's body undergoes tremendous compression and stretching while it passes through the mother's birth canal. A long pushing phase during labor, use of vacuum extraction or forceps, or otherwise difficult birth can cause misalignment of the infant's back vertebrae. Even the delivery doctor's well-meaning pulling and twisting hands can contribute to vertebral subluxation in the newborn. The misaligned vertebrae then pinch surrounding nerves, compromising nervous system integrity and causing muscles to lock.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Muscle locking and lack of nervous system integrity lead directly to discomfort, poor bodily function and ill health. For example, the baby's digestive system may be negatively affected by spinal misalignment, resulting in poor digestion of breast milk or formula. The baby's muscles may become very tense and the head may show abnormal posture, interfering with nursing. The baby may feel considerable head and neck pain.

Common outward signs of infant spinal misalignment are high-pitched screams, a flushed face, furrowed forehead, arching back, pulling of legs toward the abdomen, and clenching fists. Crying often occurs late afternoon or early evening and lasts for hours. Desperate attempts to sooth or feed the infant prove ineffective. Fortunately, a visit to a chiropractic clinic can result in the quick location and adjustment of spinal distortions, even in babies.

Parents may believe chiropractors to be no more than glorified massage therapists. They may be concerned that spinal adjustment will hurt their baby. However, a chiropractor uses no more finger pressure on an infant than one would use to test a tomato's ripeness. Misalignments are usually immediately apparent as they are often tender to the touch. Immediate relaxation and relief of the baby may be observed. The restoration of nervous system control lets the baby's body function properly again, relieving symptoms, including colic and fussiness.

In October 1999, The Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics published a randomized controlled study of spinal manipulation versus treatment with the drug dimethicone for colicky babies. The babies who received spinal manipulation showed a 67% decrease in crying after 2 weeks, while the babies receiving the drug had only a 38% reduction.

How Can a Chiropractor Help My Fussy Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Magnesium Oil - Hype Or Helpful?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Although it hasn't been taken up by the press yet, science has been telling us for some time that 80% of Americans aren't getting enough magnesium.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

To Blame For Serious Disease

Acid Reflux In Newborns

No matter how many antioxidants or minerals like calcium you get, if you don't get enough magnesium, your cells simply won't work. With the mountain of forceful and convincing research that has been done over the years, it is interesting that we haven't heard much about it.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

A lack of magnesium in the body is a causative factor in practically all of our serious health concerns. Doctors and researchers of top reputation are blaming things like heart disease largely on a magnesium deficiency.

The Dilemma

The problem is that the foods that you need to eat to give you enough magnesium are not foods we eat in high enough quantities to provide what our body needs. This is compounded by the fact that absorption of magnesium supplements is extremely poor. Of course, you could just down more magnesium pills, but then you get the runs.

OK. We Have a Problem. So What is the Solution?

The solution is to absorb magnesium through your skin. This is highly effective and avoids any bowel problems. This can be done either by soaking in a bath in which magnesium salts have been dissolved or by rubbing a magnesium-saturated water solution on your skin. It feels oily but it really isn't.

Simple and Inexpensive

This kind of supplementation has been validated by both research and experience. So using topical magnesium oil is another simple thing, like iodine supplementation, that you can easily do to make a dramatic difference in your health.

Magnesium Oil - Hype Or Helpful?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Monday, December 12, 2011

Have You Heard The Truth About Kangen Water?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

It is possible that you may have encountered information pertaining to water that's high in alkalinity. You may have access to this information through various mediums including the Internet, television, and print. Your curiosity may have been aroused and are now wondering how such could be different from the water that you are now drinking. It's also likely that you are looking into a machine that achieves this in the comfort of your home. The governing idea which surrounds such a water is scientifically sound.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Alkaline water's distinguishing factor from ordinary water is its pH level. In this regard, not all water is equal in that each kind may possess either beneficial characteristics or non beneficial traits. Not only is alkaline water safe, it also possesses characteristics which help people in various ways. Should you decide to buy Kangen machine, you'll have access to all the benefits we are about to discuss.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Some people describe Kangen water produced by a Kangen water machine as substantially tastier than ordinary tap water. The antioxidants that it contains get rid off the toxins that may be introduced in tap water through environmental factors. Remember that tap water runs through pipelines which are under the ground. These pipelines go through different settings and are exposed to various elements introduced from the surface to the ground. The machine does this with the help of an electron magnet which restructures the H2O molecules and increases the alkalinity of the water.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Many have already confirmed that the consumption of water high in alkaline leads to improved metabolism, the reversal of the aging process and the reduction of free radicals. "Free radicals" cause adverse reactions in the body's DNA structure thus hastening the process of aging. Studies have also shown that the reduction of bone density emanates from the high acid levels. That's why alkaline water is beneficial, it practically balances the body's pH levels by contradicting the effects of a system high in acidity.

The world's population is steadily increasing and the amount of fresh potable water comes with the sacrifice of quality. Our tap waters are exposed to these problems and we are forced to drink water of low quality that sometimes even possess dangerous levels of acidity. That's why owning a machine that enhances the quality of water is increasingly becoming a necessity that we cannot neglect.

Have You Heard The Truth About Kangen Water?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Colic Calm - Does It Work With Helping Colic Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Colic is maybe the most frustrating condition in all of pediatrics. Certainly, it is the source of tremendous anxiety for the parents of the estimates million babies in the United States who suffer from this condition. Driven by desperation, these parents go to great length in seeking a solution to stop their baby from crying. At best, these folk remedies and treatments do nothing to help the crying baby; at worst, they actually cause significant harm to the baby. It is paramount to separate the facts from the fiction when taking care of your colicky baby.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Is it Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Reflux is an extremely common condition in babies, and it is a major reason of colic. Adults frequently project their own experience onto their babies, but babies' stomachs are very different from those of adults. The acidity of an stomachs is not nearly comparable to that of an adult's. Consequently, most babies do not experience discomfort when they have reflux problems.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

How to treat colic naturally?

Colic babies who are suffering from acid reflux disease (GERD) can be treated with certain gripe water, such as colic calm. Gripe water is a product that originally came from England and is now manufactured in the US. It is usually given to babies who are colicky in order to soothe their stomachs. It contains two simple ingredients: ginger and fennel. Ginger and fennel have been shown to be beneficial for easing nausea and pain due to stomach upset, even in adults. This product contains no fillers, binders, artificial flavors, artificial color yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, dairy, or starch. Therefore, many people will recommend it over some of other products that are manufactured for the same purposes because there is no side effect. A popular example of gripe water is colic calm.

Does ColicCalm have any side effects?

There is no known absolute contraindication to any of the active ingredients in Colic Calm. All of its homeopathic remedies have undergone extensive clinical testing to substantiate their safety and efficacy in order to be listed in the HPUS and comply with all FDA laws and standards. However, it is always best advised that you check with your pediatrician before introducing any product.

Colic Calm - Does It Work With Helping Colic Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Saturday, December 10, 2011

How To Treat Acid Reflux In Infants Naturally

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Acid reflux in infants and babies is common nowadays. Why do they suffer from this disease? The lower esophageal sphincter in infants is not fully developed until they reach one year old. If you over feed the child or feed the baby in the lying down position, then most likely acid reflux will develop.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

When they are in pain, they cannot tell you. The only thing they can do is to cry. In this situation, it is difficult to determine if the infants are suffering from acid reflux. You need to look out for common symptoms. Usually the symptoms surface when you feed the babies. These include bad breath, frequent coughing, excessive spitting up, and regurgitation after meal.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

So, how do you treat acid reflux in infants naturally? Here are the five natural tips.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Breast feed your baby. It is a natural way to treat heartburn. Breast milk contains enzymes that help in digestion. This will reduce the symptoms of infant acid reflux. However, as a nursing mother, you need to watch what you eat. Some foods that contain acid reflux trigger may pass on to your child. Avoid over feeding. Babies can't tell you when they are full. Too much food in their stomach can lead to acid reflux. Therefore, feed them more frequently with smaller meals. Infants usually like to sleep on their stomachs. This position adds pressure to the stomach which increases the likelihood of acid reflux. Therefore, change their sleeping position by putting them on their backs. You should also raise the head of the crib. This prevents the stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. Babies usually lie down most of the times. This can aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. If they are feeling discomfort from acid reflux, just place them upright. Always feed them in an upright position. Burp them and hold them upright for half an hour after each meal. This helps the food to settle down in their stomachs.

In many cases, the symptoms will go away on its own when the child is between 12 and 18 months. This is the period when the digestive system is fully developed.

Although the methods may help to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux in infants naturally, your baby still need a proper diagnosis. Some severe respiratory disorders can arise especially when the food reaches into the lungs. In some cases, it may damage the esophagus. Therefore, always bring your child to a pediatrician whenever the symptoms arise.

How To Treat Acid Reflux In Infants Naturally

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Friday, December 9, 2011

Reflexology and Maternity Reflexology

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Reflexology is the technique of applying gentle pressure to reflex points on the feet (or hands) to bring about a state of deep relaxation, stimulate the body's own healing process, and help a person return to a state of balance and well-being. It is holistic complementary therapy that aims to release blockages and improve the flow of energy in the body by working through body zones (rather like the meridians an acupuncturist or shiatsu practitioner works on). Reflexology has roots in Ancient Egypt, China, Japan and India.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Reflexology can provide relaxation, pain and stress relief, stimulation of all body systems eg the immune and digestive systems, and balance for the mind, body, emotions and spirit. Most people find reflexology an enormously comforting and nurturing therapy.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

In general, reflexology has been shown to help relieve a whole host of ailments, including:

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Digestive disorders eg constipation, heartburn Migraines and headaches Stress and anxiety Sleep problems PMS and hormone related problems Back and joint pain Respiratory disorders eg sinus Pregnancy related ailments
Introduction To Maternity Reflexology

Maternity Reflexology can be applied as pre-conceptual care, and care during and beyond pregnancy. The fact that many midwives now incorporate reflexology into their practice speaks for its efficacy. These stages of life bring their own particular challenges, and regular reflexology can help to maintain balance and well-being while tackling associated conditions and ailments. One of the major benefits of reflexology is balancing of the endocrine system - the set of glands that produce the body's hormones (chemical messengers). Hormones play a key role in fertility and pregnancy.


For couples hoping to conceive, it is desirable to treat both partners to balance and relax them, and get them into an optimum state for conception. As well as requiring healthy sperm and ova, there is a need for mental and emotional preparation, as pregnancy can be a rollercoaster for both partners. Creating another person is a hugely significant undertaking, therefore it is best to be well prepared. The couple will want to have a good look at their lifestyle in terms of sleep, diet, stress levels, exercise, smoking, drinking and so on. Reflexology has a good reputation with helping couple to conceive, because of its balancing effects.


Pregnancy brings a number of significant changes to the couple, and not just physical ones. Things that seemed to work just fine before don't appear to work any more! Reflexology can bring balance and harmony when it feels as though your world has been turned on its head. You might find you're suddenly constipated and bloated, or getting acid reflux, or that you burst into tears when you're looking at baked beans in Sainsbury's. You might get all sorts of odd aches and pains that appear from nowhere. It goes without saying that you must seek medical attention for serious complications of pregnancy. However, reflexology can help you to manage ailments such as:

Constipation Heartburn Symphysis pubis pain Backache Rib pain Morning sickness Leg cramps Raised blood pressure Headaches Tiredness and sleeplessness Mood swings

Working with maternity reflexology has shown me how it enhances health and well being as well as creating a wonderful caring environment for the mother and Incoming Soul (a lovely term coined by Susanne Enzer, maternity reflexologist). I enjoy seeing how active the unborn babies become when their mother is treated - and spotting bottoms, heads, feet and other assorted bits of baby zooming around inside the confines of the bump!


In a post term situation and with the permission of the obstetric caregiver and client, a skilled reflexology can help to prime labour. Many post term women who are experiencing a problem free pregnancy respond well to this, although ultimately the baby decides when it is ready to come. Not even medical induction is guaranteed to succeed, and this is no different. Reflexologists may attend births to assist their client with pain control, relaxation, and emotional and psychological support.

After Birth

Your reflexologist can be at hand during the post natal period to help the mother, father and newborn. A weekly session can help the mother in particular to adjust after giving birth, and she can hold and feed her baby comfortably during treatment. Reflexology may encourage lactation and help with breast tenderness or mastitis, and can help the body return to normal function following delivery. It can also help the new parents make the emotional and psychological adjustments to parenthood.

Finally, the newborn baby can benefit from reflexology too. Playing with your baby's feet and toes is a wonderful way of bonding with him or her. Did you know that 'This Little Piggy' is a version of a powerful reflexology balancing technique? You can play before your baby goes to bed, at bath time or perhaps when you're winding them after a feed. Find a time that's right for both of you. A reflexologist can show you some simple, comforting moves to help with any problems your baby is having, for example colicky tummy, constipation, poor feeding or distress.

Reflexology and Maternity Reflexology

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Health Screening - A Revolutionizing Process to Prevent and Treat Any Disease Effectively

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Health Screening - Prevention and Disease control.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The new "holistic health center" consists of different, completely holistic (entire body) oriented components: A) Fast, effective, pain-free and non-invasive diagnosis, B) Analyzing and immediate treatment of meridian blockages, C) Energy therapy for over 200 disease conditions including cancer, nerve- and bone related diseases, D) Health monitoring and effective prevention to avoid future disease manifestation.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

A Holistic Health Center in the design of a mini-clinic will serve the urgent need of health screening and prevention. Health Screening is a new method for early non-invasive diagnosis, usually performed within a few minutes. It is based on the over 5.000 year old knowledge of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is the first reliable Meridian Diagnostic in the world. Cost efficient and highly accurate - up 95%.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Meridian diagnostic is the core concept of efficient health analyzes. A computer based high tech measurement of the 12 main meridians and its correlated organs. It provides a complete energetically picture of a person displayed in an easy to read graphical format. The measuring points are (20) on the fingers and (20) on the toes. Overall biological energy levels, meridian balance, yin - yang, left - right, top - bottom organs, etc. is recorded and can be used for future therapy control (health screening).

Energy levels over 50% reflect health, vitality, less aging, high immune system activity. Energy levels under 50% reflect energy deficit, low immune system activity, disease condition, chronic diseases.

Therapy suggestions are displayed with exact treatment points. One of the major advantages of the Meridian Diagnostic is the advantage to discover unknown Meridian Blockages in the system. When one or more meridian blockages exists the patient becomes Therapy Resistant, which means no therapy will have a sufficient effect. With the BioGraph meridian diagnostic system we are able not only to discover blockages furthermore we can treat and "delete" those blockages immediately. The patient turns from therapy resistant into therapy receptive. The therapy effects are re-established.

The second component in the Holistic Health Center is the world leading and cost efficient "Pulsating Energy Resonance Therapy" (PERTH) acc. to Prof. Dr. Werner (Germany).

Four (4) complete professional therapy systems on a therapy bed will serve app. 32-50 people treatments per day. The capacity can be extended to 8 therapy systems and will serve more than 64 people treatments per day. The basic research of the PERTH therapy started in the early 1920's with Dr. Royal Rife (The end of all diseases), later research by over 200 Russian researcher for the space program MIR in Russia and since 1994 the research is finalized by a well known German researcher and medical professional Prof. Dr. Werner. In cooperation with leading German universities Werner developed the cancer and bone therapy programs with proven results in 1000's of medical and clinical studies.

The new PRTH P5 professional treatment system is easy to use, non-invasive, pain free and highly effective for prevention and disease treatment. The energy increase can be monitored with the Meridian Diagnosis immediately after a treatment session.

Particular meridians and related organs are effected long time before a disease becomes a pathological issue. (green - normal, yellow - attention and red - signals treatment is necessary). For example most cancer patients have an energy level of only 25%, or energy deficit of 75%. This means the immune system is nearly not functioning anymore. Fertile ground for cancer cell grow is established without major defense. Cancer can spread in the body. The reverse circumstance high energy levels - a powerful immune system, health and vitality and a non toxic environment don't allow cancer cell grow. Disease development of any kind becomes impossible. The Meridian Diagnosis and PERTH treatment combination will make those scenarios visible and immediate treatment plans can be developed. The treatment effect is tested and recorded on a patient by patient basis during the very first measurement - therapy - measurement sequence.

This reflects the most effective way to prevent any kind of disease long time before it would appear. In addition the treatment of existing diseases is not "blind" anymore and the patient - treatment response can be finalized through different therapy applicators. For example mat treatment for energy balancing and meridian harmonization, oxygen increase in the blood (65% after 10 minutes), immune system boost, better sleep and vitalization etc. The treatment with the head applicator for the central nervous system, head, eye, ear, nose diseases and brain related diseases like Parkinson, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's etc. The intensive applicator for all joint related problems and to rebuild the cartilage, which is alone a phenomena and was completely impossible before. Finally a point applicator for any pain related circumstance. The PERTH therapy system is very easy to use, any therapist assistant can perform the treatment after a short introduction. As soon a therapy plan is in place patients for therapy or prevention can go in and out on their scheduled appointment without long waiting periods.


- Degenerative bone and joint disease (hip arthritis, Bechterew's disease, Sudeck's disease)
- Arterial circulation disturbance (hardening of arteries in the leg as result of smoking, lower leg sores, stroke, heart attack)

- Asthma, allergies,

- Burnout syndrome

- Cancer, Leukemia

- Heart diseases

- Liver cirrhoses

- Eye diseases (cataract)

- Venous circulation disturbance (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis)

- Sport injuries, healing of wounds and bones, general regeneration of tissue

- Chronic turbal catarrh resistant to treatment, tympanic effusion, inflammation of the middle ear

- Stabilization of circulation

- High and low blood pressure

- Pulmonary emphysema

- Osteoporosis

- Radiant sickness

- Acute and chronic nasal cavity sicknesses

- Virus infections, allergies, migraine and asthma

- Tinnitus aurium (ear noises) and macular edema (retina damage)

- Stress, sleep and digestive problems

- Metabolic disturbances (normalization of fatty acid and pH values)

- Diabetes in the elderly

- Incontinence, bed wetting with children

- Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),

- Climatic problems, potency problems

- Rheumatic disease with chronic pains

Indications are given in strict conformity with International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems of the 10th review, accepted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.


The sequel of nervous system inflammatory diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, myelites, encephalomyelitis), Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, headache, transitory cerebral ischaemic attacks, sleeplessness, disturbances of sleep-awake cycles, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve lesions, neuralgia, neuritis, phantom limb pain syndrome, mononeuropathies, polyneuropathies (including diabetic), infantile cerebral paralysis, hemiplegia, paraplegia, tetraplegia and other paralytic syndromes, vegetative nervous system disorders, vascular (neurocirculatory) dystonia, hydrocephalus, toxic and other encephalopathies, intracranial hypertension (increase of intracranial pressure), fatigue syndrome in recovery period.


Hypothyrosis, clinical manifestations of hyperthyrosis (thyro-toxicosis), diabetes mellitus, adrenal / ovarial / testicular dysfunction, local fat deposits, adiposis, bilirubin metabolism disturbances, mucoviscidosis.


Acute alcoholic intoxication, abstinent delirium (delirium tre-mens) and abstinent status without delirium, symptomatic treatment of chronic alcoholism, depressive disorders, neurotic, stress induced and somatoformic disorders (tic, vegetative nervous system disorders, enuresis, logoneurosis, etc.), sleep-awake regimen disturbances of inorganic etiology, absence or loss of sexual libido, insufficiency of sexual reaction (impotence of inorganic origin), orgasmic dysfunction, mental retardation.


Essential (primary) arterial hypertension, hypertensive disease, arterial hypotony, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, pericarditis, endocarditis, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, cardiac arrest, paroxysmal tachycardia, intracerebra! hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, stroke, cerebral atherosclerosis, hypertensive encephalopathy, cardialgiae (pains in the cardiac region), cerebrovas-cular diseases sequelae, diffuse atherosclerosis, Raynaud's syndrome, narrowing (obliteration) of arterioles, varicosis, lymphadenitis, lymphoid edema, lymphangitis.


Acute nasopharyngitis (nasal cold), vasomotoric and allergic rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute tonsillitis (angina), acute laryngitis and tracheitis, chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic diseases of amygdalae and adenoids, chronic laryngotracheitis, diseases of vocal cords and larynx, acute obstructive laryngitis (croup), and epiglottitis, acute respiratory infections, viral and bacterial pneumoniae (inflammations of the lungs), acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, recurrent and chronic bronchitis (obstructive and non-obstructive), bronchial asthma, bronchoectasiae, pneumoconiosis (occupational pulmonary diseases), pleurites, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis.


Oral cavity diseases, pyrosis, esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux, esophageal ulcer, esophageal dyskinesia, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis and duodenitis of various origin, pylorospasm, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic gastroenteritis and colitis, irritated intestine syndrome with and without diarrhea, constipation, functional diarrhea, neu-rogenous excitability of the intestine, anal sphincter spasm, anal and rectal fissurae and fistulae, hemorrhoids, alcoholic liver disease, toxic liver lesion, acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatic fibro-sis and cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, biliary tracts dyskinesia, acute and chronic pancreatitis, vomiting after surgical intervention on gastroenteric tract, postoperative intestinal obstruction (intestinal paresis), dysfunction after colosto-my and enterostomy, secondary disturbances of intestinal absorption, disturbance of alimentary behavior (overeating).


Skin abscess, furunculi and carbunculi, panaris, atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, neurodermitis, psoriasis, Quincke's edema, burns (including sunburns), frostbite, focal alopecia (baldness), follicular cysts of the skin and subcutaneous fat, hyperhidrosis (sweating), vitiligo, callosities, atrophic skin lesions (trophic ulcers), hypertrophic skin lesions (keloid cicatrices), erysipelas.


Infection, postinfection and reactive arthropathiae, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, gout, polyarthrosis, osteoarthritis deformans, articular cartilage lesions, ligaments lesions, joints luxations and subluxations, hemarthrosis, exudate in the joint, pain in the joint, rigidity of the joints, osteophytes ("spurs"), lupus erythematosus, dermatopolymyositis, systemic sclerosis (including sclerodermia), systemic vasculites, scoliosis, osteo-chondrosis, torticollis, ankylosing spondylitis, spondylopathiae, spondylosis, inter-vertebral disks lesions, radiculopathiae, radiculitis, ischias, lumbago, backaches, myosites (muscles inflammation), synovites, tenosynovitis and bursites, ligaments and joints injuries, pain in the limbs, other unspecified diseases of joints and soft tissues, bones fractures, poor fractures consolidation (including age-related fracture of the neck of the femur), osteomyelitis, periostitis, periodontitis, parodontosis, parodon-titis.


Hordeolum and chalazion, blepharitis, dacryocystitis, chronic inflammation of lacrimal ducts, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal scars and opacities, cataract, retinal breaks and detachment, diabetic retinopathy, open-angle glaucoma, optic neuritis, optic atrophy, squint, myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (including age-related), blindness and lowered vision, eye pain.


Acute and chronic external otitis, non-purulent of middle ear, perforation of the drum membrane, tympanosclerosis, neurosen-sory hypoacusis, ototoxic hypoacusis, pain in the ear.


Glomerulonephritis, acute and chronic nephritic syndrome, acute and chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis, reflux-uropathy, toxic nephropathy, hydronephrosis (without obstruction), urolithiasis, renal ischemia or infarction, acquired renal cyst, acute and chronic cystitis, neuromuscular dysfunction of the urinary bladder, urethritis, urinary tract infection without definite localization, enuresis; hyperplasia of the prostate, adenoma of the prostate, acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatocystitis, prostatic calculus, orchi-tis and epididimitis, balanopostitis, vascular disorders of male genital organs, certain forms of male sterility; mastopathia fibrocystica, mastitis, lactostasis, nipple cracks and fistulae; salpingitis and oophoritis, vulvovaginitis, incomplete vaginal prolapse, ovarial cysts, incorrectwomb positions, cervical erosion, myoma and fibromyoma, absence of menstruations, poor and rare menstruations, frequent, irregular menstruations, premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pains, early menopause, climacteric status, recurrent abortion, secondary female sterility.


Arterial hypertension as complication of pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal period, edema and proteinuria caused by pregnancy, nephropathy of pregnancy, excessive vomiting of the pregnant, hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, herpes of the pregnant, arterial hypotony syndrome in mother, preparation for childbirth, anesthesia during childbirth, hypothermia of unclear origin appearing after childbirth, changes of mammary gland and lactation.


Lesions of fetus and newborn caused by mother's diseases and complications of pregnancy and childbirth, birth injuries, intrau-terine hypoxia, respiratory disorders of fetus and newborn, non-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage in fetus and newborn, neonatal jaundice, transitory neonatal endocrine disorders, digestive disorders in perinatal period, thermoregulation disorders and skin changes in fetus and newborn, regurgitation, vomiting, poor sucking and overfeeding, muscular tonus lesion in newborn.


Increased blood pressure without diagnosed hypertension, cough, stridor, wheezing respiration, hiccup, sneezing, pain in throat and chest, pain in stomach and pelvic region, nausea and vomiting, pyrosis, meteorism, lesions of skin sensitivity, pain associated with urination, retention of urine, loss of consciousness and coma, nervousness, anxiety and excitation in association with failures and disasters, emotional shock and stress, speech and voice disorders (dysarthria, dyslexia, dysphonia), fever of unclear origin, headache, indisposition and fatigue, syncope and collapse, senility (without psychosis).

Health Screening - A Revolutionizing Process to Prevent and Treat Any Disease Effectively

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis of Lupus

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Definition of Lupus

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Lupus, short form for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease characterized by its effect on different parts of the body such as the skin, joints, kidneys, and blood. Basically, it is a condition where the immune system of the human body attacks/ fights its own tissues and cells, culminating in inflammation, pain, and often damage to the affected organs. The good news is that for majority of sufferers, lupus is very mild and only affects one or two organs. For a select few however, the disease can prove unbearable as it can be very painful and severe, not to mention life threatening.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

There are four types of Lupus today, but will mostly appear in two major forms. The first and most common one is the systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in which it affects almost all organs of the body. Drug-induced lupus is the other type of lupus, although it is a sub-type of the SLE caused by some medications rarely used for heart disease, blood pressure, and tuberculosis. Third type of Lupus is Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) which only affects the skin, causing an inflammation. The last type, although very rare is neonatal lupus, which, as the name would suggest, affects neonates born to women suffering from SLE.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Causes and Risk Factors
While the cause of lupus is still vague, it is believed to result from a relationship of genetic, hormonal, and environmental (stress, UV light, infections, chemicals, and use of some drugs) factors. While Lupus can affect people of all ages starting with newborns, it is very common among women aged between 15 and 45 years of age, especially women who are black.

• Skin rash
• Muscle aches
• Swelling and pain in joints
• Fatigue
• Hair loss
• Loss of appetite
• Weight loss without trying
• Lesions around the bridge of the cheeks and nose
• Lesions on the scalp

Diagnosis of Lupus
A thorough physical examination, medical history, and several lab tests, coupled with the presence of some defining symptoms such as arthritis, oral ulcers, skin photosensitivity, butterfly rush, chest complications, kidney complications and neurological disorders (psychosis or seizures) to mention but a few will confirm the presence of lupus. At the moment, there is no one single lab test that can diagnose lupus but by evaluating the status of a patient's immune system, doctors can be able to determine definitely whether someone is suffering from lupus or not. Such tests include:-
1. Anti-nuclear antibody test
2. Anti-Sm antibody test
3. Anti-DNA antibody test
4. An evaluation of the complement level of serum
5. Tests to confirm the presence of resistant complexes in the blood

Recommended exercises to ease lupus symptoms

1. Motion exercises such as stretching to help relive joint stiffness and increase flexibility
2. Strengthening exercises such as weight-lifting to help boost muscle strength
3. Endurance or aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, and/ or brisk walking to help in weight management, boost cardio fitness, and improve the general functioning of the body

Foods to include and exclude on a lupus diet

A very widespread misconception for people suffering from lupus is that there are some 'good and bad' foods which can either worsen or ease the lupus symptoms. This is not really the case. There are no bad foods so any meal can cause a flare. However, bad diets do exist hence a poor dietary choice can exacerbate your condition. Good nutrition is the secret ingredient for anyone suffering from lupus. There is no special diet for people suffering from lupus so generally you should ensure you eat a well balanced nutritious diet that has enough fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, reasonable amounts of oily fish poultry and meats so you can reduce inflammation. If you are suffering from osteoporosis, you might want to ensure your diet is characterized by sufficient amounts of calcium rich foods to boost bone growth.

Causes, Symptoms and Diagnosis of Lupus

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is a High-Needs Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

I'm not a doctor. I'm not an expert in infant development or behavior. In fact, before I had my own kids, I wasn't even particularly drawn to little kids. But, I'm a mom who has had two of these 'high-needs' babies (granted, my second was much more so).

Acid Reflux In Newborns

I had never heard the term until my second child was a few months old, but when I saw the description a light bulb went off. I wasn't alone! My baby wasn't psychologically underdeveloped, emotionally stunted, spoiled, or 'difficult', just 'high-needs'. Finally there was a way I could explain it to people, instead of just saying, "My baby is really, really fussy".

Acid Reflux In Newborns

But Aren't All Babies 'Needy'?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Perhaps the best way to describe what 'high-needs' is, is to first explain what it is not. Well meaning people (parents, at that!) may say, "Oh, all babies are high-needs to some extent. They are babies, after all". Other people think, "Surely you must be exaggerating...your baby can't cry and fuss all day". Well, let me tell you - you better believe they can!

The term 'high-needs' is simply a descriptive term given to any baby that requires a significant (above average) amount of holding, attention, movement or motion in order to prevent crying, screaming or fussing. Notice I didn't write, 'in order to be happy or content'. Many high-needs babies may seldom appear happy or content.

My High-Needs Baby

I remember when our son was 4 weeks old and in the hospital with a respiratory virus. Surprisingly, he screamed and cried less in those 4 days than in the previous month (perhaps because of all the action and activity going on?). He actually laid still on the bed for a couple of minutes watching the TV. My husband took a picture of him lying there, because it was a significant moment - That was the longest he had gone without crying since he was born (except when he was sleeping, of course).

Like my little guy, a high-needs baby is not likely to drift peacefully off to sleep while mommy sings a lullaby, or sit happily in the stroller watching the world go by. A high-needs baby probably doesn't entertain him or herself by playing quietly with toys, and likely doesn't feed every 2.5-3 hours and then contentedly lay back and gaze up into her mother's eyes. In fact, sometimes it may seem impossible to make a high-needs baby content or happy. And if you do find some little trick that works, chances are it won't work next time.

What Makes a Baby High-Needs?

Babies may be high-needs because they are in pain or discomfort. Perhaps there is a physiological issue present, such as acid-reflux, or an allergy or sensitivity to dairy or other foods. And of course, many newborns go through a colicky stage, where they cry or scream, usually in the evening (but not always), usually appear to be in pain, and where soothing efforts may appear to be useless.

I would consider babies experiencing any of these physical issues to be 'high-needs'. Some would disagree because there is a clear cause to the crying. Regardless, these babies all have a few things in common: They cry excessively, are difficult to soothe, may have trouble sleeping or eating, and are very draining on their parents.

Characteristics of a High-Needs Baby

Following are some of the characteristics of high-needs babies. All babies experience these issues from time to time. High-needs babies, on the other hand, experience these a majority of the time, and probably experience many of them at the same time.

Many of these traits are written about by Dr. Sears (who coined the term 'high-need infant'), while others are drawn from my experience, or the experiences of other parents of high-needs infants that I have talked to.

* Difficulty falling and/or staying asleep

* Difficulty entertaining themselves

* Excessive crying or fussing

* Loud, intense crying or screaming (often for no apparent reason)

* Difficulty feeding

* Unpredictability

* May be difficult or seemingly impossible to soothe

* Demanding (may cry urgently when needs aren't met immediately)

* May need to be carried around constantly

* May require movement or motion (e.g. a swing, car ride, etc.) to prevent crying

* Reacts strongly to stimuli (both positive and negative)

* High-energy

* May require lots of activity/stimuli to remain entertained

* May need the calm and familiarity of home to remain somewhat content

The verdict is out on whether or not high-needs babies remain high-needs. Some extremely active, demanding babies become gentle and calm toddlers. Others remain very busy and active. In the case of my two high-needs babies, both seemed to outgrow this stage when they began crawling (although my youngest is only 9 months, so I may have to get back to you!).

How Do I Cope with My High-Needs Baby?

In my experience, half the battle is adjusting your thinking and accepting your baby as he or she is. Realize that some babies just have a different temperament, and just need more attention right now. Try to put aside the expectations and hopes you had for your baby when you were pregnant. Embrace the fact that your baby is who he is, but this isn't how he will always be.

When your baby is screaming, strap her into the stroller, hook up your Ipod, get yourself a coffee and go for a long walk. Don't worry about your house looking perfect. In a few months, you'll have more time for that. Arrange to have a babysitter a couple of times a week...don't worry about your baby's crying bothering the sitter - This is one day in her life, this is your every day. Order in dinner; the gourmet meals can wait a while.

But most of all, be gentle with yourself. The expectations you may have had for what kind of mother you would be probably didn't take into account having a high-needs baby. Don't expect that you'll always have warm, fuzzy feelings towards your little one. Enjoy the quiet, happy times you do have together right now. Find ways to get through it. I promise, it will get easier.

What is a High-Needs Baby?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Monday, December 5, 2011

Proton Pump Inhibitors for Acid Reflux Syndrome - Are They For You?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

There are many ways to treat acid reflux syndrome, and one of the things you might hear about the most are proton pump inhibitors (PPI's). These are the most commonly advertised types of medications, and they come in both OTC (over-the-counter) and prescription strength. These are really great for those who have a lot of problems with their reflux recurring day in and day out. However, they might not be needed for everyone all of the time. You should talk to your doctor about how often you have pain, and what they think would be the best for you.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Proton pump inhibitors do more than just help soothe pain. They do something to reduce the pain and keep the levels of acid down in the stomach. These medications will actually stop many of the acid pumps in the stomach from producing acid.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The idea is if you have less acid production in your stomach, you won't have the problem of the acid backing up into the esophagus. When this happens, the damage from acid reflux has time to heal. PPI's can also be used for people who have ulcers in their stomachs.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Those who have had damage to the esophagus might have to take a prescription proton pump inhibitor to give the tissues time to heal. These are prescribed by a doctor, and they will need to be taken anywhere from two weeks to two months.

Because the amounts of acid are reduced, you will feel relief from your bouts of heartburn, and all tissues have breathing room to heal as they should. After the prescription has run out, you can probably take the OTC version of proton pump inhibitor. They aren't as strong, but if the tissues have healed, you don't need the prescription strength any longer.

There are some side effects with proton pump inhibitors that you do have to watch out for. If something is giving you problems, you may have to try a different medication. The goods news about this is that there are many different PPI type medications that you can try until you find something that does not bother you.

Some of the most common side effects are diarrhea, gas, and upset stomach. Occassionally people report experiencing dry mouth and headache. These are pretty rare though, and most won't have problems with them.

Make sure you talk about all of your symptoms with your doctor so they can recommend the best medication for your acid reflux syndrome. If you are taking any other type of medication, either OTC or prescriptions, ask about drug interactions to be sure you will be safe.

You should be sure to let them know if you are pregnant, nursing, or have kidney problems. They may want to give you something else any of those are true for you. Also ask if there is anything else you can do to help your acid reflux syndrome. They might give you a food list, or recommend stress reduction to help with healing and to offer more relief.

Proton Pump Inhibitors for Acid Reflux Syndrome - Are They For You?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Eating More Raw Foods Can Help You Get Rid of Your Health Problems Fast! Nurse's Guide

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Are you eating the standard American diet? Or are you consciously trying to change your diet so you'll feel better, feel less tired and get rid of a few if not all of your ailments? Many people, including myself, have found that adding more living foods, also called raw foods, to their diet has greatly benefited their health. The proof is in the pudding as they say-- not cooked or processed pudding from mixes either.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Here's just a few of the ways you'll greatly benefit by eating more raw foods:

Acid Reflux In Newborns

1. Have endless energy. Do you know how it feels to have endless energy? I do. Since changing my diet to predominately raw foods in 1999 I quickly noticed a boundless energy. To this day I can go, go, and go. This wasn't true when I was eating the standard American diet.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

2. Sleep better. Because of this diet I only need five hours of sleep a night. I wake up naturally and never take naps. I know this is from my raw food diet because I used to sleep nine hours a night. Other people who eat a lot of raw food tell me they sleep about five hours a night too.

3. Ailments and health problems will disappear. One of the first things you'll notice when you add a few more raw foods to your diet is you'll begin to feel better and ailments will disappear. Sinus issues, allergy issues, canker sores, gum problems, headaches, acne, skin problems, acid reflux and digestive problems are just a few of the ailments that disappear rapidly. Of course it's good to give up dairy and meat, if you can, to enjoy even more benefits.

4. Lose weight naturally and without effort. A nice side benefit of a raw food diet, or just eating a lot more raw foods in your diet, is that the weight will just drop off. You can load up on many servings of fruit and veggies throughout the day and still lose weight fast. I know because it happened to me and a lot of others. I dropped my ten extra pounds fast. Others have lost a lot more weight.

5. You'll feel more like participating in physical activities. Because of the loss in weight and increased energy and restful sleep you'll be able to participate in sports you haven't been able to enjoy. You'll be able to walk often and more. You'll be able to hike, play tennis and golf and not get tired. Perhaps there are other sports you miss or would like to try.

You can easily add more living foods like fruits, uncooked vegetables, huge salads, raw, not roasted, nuts (preferably soaked overnight) and seeds to your diet.

You can learn to make some great raw food recipes like, almond milk, live applesauce, live apple pie, live blueberry pie, lemon torte, raw cheesecakes, puddings, pates and all sorts of healthy desserts and entrees that are made with healthy raw foods. A raw food diet will help you live longer too. Why not start today?

Eating More Raw Foods Can Help You Get Rid of Your Health Problems Fast! Nurse's Guide

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Prevent Baby Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Recent statistics show that one fifth or so of the eight million babies born each year in the US suffer from acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and babies that face developmental or neurological challenges are even more at risk from this complaint. Baby acid reflux is a condition that remains incompletely researched and that is often subject to misconceptions as well.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

In a healthy person, there is a circular muscle acting as a valve at the junction of the stomach and the esophagus (called the lower esophageal sphincter) and stopping stomach acid from flowing back up the esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease happens when that sphincter cannot retain the acids in the stomach. These then move into the throat sometimes as far as the larynx. In simple terms, GERD is a mechanical problem in the digestive system, which can be corrected. Numerous symptoms can result from GERD leading to complications like infections, pain, ulcers, difficulties in eating, vocal disorders and even cancer in the long run.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

In addition, reflux condition is easy to confuse with usual vomiting in babies. For the first 3 to 4 months of an infant's life, frequent vomiting happens in 50% of all cases, peaking at 4 months. Vomiting is both painful and distressing when caused by acid reflux. Because infants cannot speak about their feelings, it is difficult to determine if they are suffering from a medical problem. Baby acid reflux can be particularly challenging to diagnose and treat.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The best solution for the right diagnosis of infant gastroesophageal reflux disease is to have a specialist diagnosis performed by an ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor or a gastroenterologist. To correctly diagnose infant GERD, several further symptoms need to be identified. Besides sporadic vomiting, these symptoms include: infections of the middle ear, enlargement of the adenoids, abdominal pains, asthma, crying non-stop, anemia, waking in the night without reason, vomiting of blood (hematemesis), continual coughing, a high-pitched sound when breathing, repeated croup, reluctance to feeding and inflammation of the nose and the sinus.

Possibilities for remedies to gastroesophageal reflux disease can be: medicaments, surgery and holistic programs. However, even for adult patients, surgery is rarely an option in normal situations. For baby acid reflux, neither medicament nor surgery is optimal answers. Medicaments may be sub-optimal in particular for infants for any of the three reasons below:

1. Medicaments for GERD treat merely the symptoms but do not fix the deeper cause of the condition.

2. Medicaments for GERD can impact an infant's immune system, leading to weakness and vulnerability in immunity, possibly also leading to different health complications other than acid reflux as well as the worsening of acid reflux condition.

3. Medicaments for GERD can cause multiple secondary effects that are present but hidden in infants.

The optimal solution to baby acid reflux is a holistic one while taking into account an overall set of changes in diet and lifestyle. Strong support is lent to this concept by research done recently. Research demonstrated that a transition to soy-based formula from cow's milk based formula gave infants a 40% recovery rate. Other research showed acid reflux symptoms juice products as an aggravating factor for infant gastroesophageal reflux disease. Altering feeding and sleeping position was also seen to be of benefit in treating baby GERD.

How to Prevent Baby Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Friday, December 2, 2011

Who Should Eat the Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Did you know that inflammation has been identified as the basis for most chronic disease - diseases like arthritis, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and even cancer? That's right. Most chronic diseases are a result of a lifestyle of affluence that affords us the luxury of being able to eat the wrong foods in the wrong amounts at the wrong times. These food choices set in play a host of processes in your body that produce inflammation from a multitude of sources. In addition, many of us are genetically programmed to produce excessive inflammation when exposed to common irritant sources such as smoke, chemicals and poor dietary choices. Some of us produce so much inflammation that we have autoimmune disorders such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and colitis.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

How exactly do poor food choices produce inflammation? Packaged and highly processed foods as well as fast foods are some of the worst culprits. They are also some of the food choices most widely available. Designed for convenience, these foods are loaded with trans-fat to extend their shelf life as well as change their taste and texture. A trans-fat is created from a natural, saturated fat - another less than healthy fat. That saturated fat is "transformed" into a trans-fat via a process called trans-hydrogenation. This transformed fat is chemically different enough from a natural fat that, when incorporated into your body tissues, it creates a cascade of chemicals called cytokines. Cytokines are molecules responsible for producing inflammation throughout your body.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Foods that are loaded with refined sugars are also inflammatory. Cakes, cookies and doughnuts are examples of foods that are rapidly digested by your body, releasing large amounts of glucose. This glucose is rapidly absorbed by your body, causing a high blood glucose level. Your body in turn releases a surge of insulin to help normalize your blood glucose levels. This surge of insulin combined with high blood glucose levels causes your body to release cytokines, inflammatory molecules, as well. Each surge of glucose actually signals your body to store fat. Guess what? Fat tissue becomes physiologically active and begins to release these same inflammatory molecules, cytokines, as well.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Refined grains - grains stripped of fiber and vital nutrients- also create inflammation. A whole grain is a molecule composed of large amounts of glucose linked together and encapsulated with a fiber coating. This fiber coating makes the digestion and release of glucose a slow and steady process. When the outer fiber coating is stripped away to create a smooth and creamy texture, glucose molecules are readily available for rapid digestion and absorption into your body. This rapid surge of glucose into your system again is the trigger for the inflammatory cascade.

Certain grains have the ability to produce inflammation in certain individuals. Wheat, oats, barley and rye are all grains that contain significant amounts of a protein substance called gluten. Gluten makes foods, like bread, crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside. Yet this same gluten is very inflammatory in individuals genetically challenged in digesting gluten. Symptoms can be as severe as pain, bloating, diarrhea and malnutrition or as mild as nausea or lack of energy. Eliminating these specific grains from your diet is often the key to controlling this type of inflammation.

What exactly is an anti-inflammatory diet? In general, an anti-inflammatory diet consists of fresh, whole foods which do not contain triggers for inflammation and are loaded with molecules that actually neutralize inflammation in your body.

Phytonutrients are found in most fruits and vegetables, responsible for their colorful appearance. These huge molecules have antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties. This means they neutralize the oxidative stress that your body generates daily, leading to inflammation. Healthy fats found in cold- water, fatty fish, flax seed and nuts can also diminish the amount of inflammation produced by your body as well. Cooking oils such as olive oil and canola oil also help your body fight and neutralize inflammation. Certain vitamins and minerals - vitamin A,D, E and C as well as zinc, selenium and copper - are found in abundance in fresh, whole foods. These antioxidants also neutralize oxidative stress and dampen the formation of inflammation.

Eliminating fast foods as well as packaged foods is the first step of the anti-inflammatory diet. Eliminating foods with refined sugars and processed grains is the second step. Eating generous amounts daily of fresh fruit and vegetables and moderate amounts of whole grains and lean protein as well as healthy fats found in fish, seeds and nuts is the foundation of the anti-inflammatory diet. Then for select individuals, reducing or eliminating grains, especially gluten-containing grains, is the final step.

So just who should eat an anti-inflammatory diet? Obviously, anyone who suffers from an inflammatory condition such as autoimmune disorders (lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, colitis.) or allergic disorders (asthma, eczema) will benefit from the anti-inflammatory diet. Most people with chronic pain (head aches, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, joint pains, nerve pains, muscle pains) have elements of inflammation involved in their pain and will benefit too. Irritable bowel syndrome and common digestive disorders such as acid reflux improve with the anti-inflammatory diet. Yet surprisingly, anyone suffering with chronic degenerative disorders (arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, obesity and even cancer) will benefit as well from this diet. Finally, anyone interested in preventing these degenerative diseases and achieving optimal health will benefit. In fact, the science confirms that eating to prevent inflammation not only prevents disease and maintains health but also keeps us looking and feeling younger.

So eat healthy and don't let inflammation get a grip on you. From children to the elderly, everyone can benefit from this powerful approach to eating.

Who Should Eat the Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What's Wrong With Baby? He Might Have Acid Reflux Disease

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Do you find it frustrating feeding baby because of continual spitting and vomiting? Don't think it is normal because all babies do it. They don't and it is not normal. She may not just being a fussy eater. Baby may have gastro esophageal reflux and it needs medical attention before it severely affects the health of your baby. Acid reflux disease can lead to malnutrition and poor growth.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Infant acid reflux is an uncomfortable sensation for baby because the acids that enter the esophagus irritates baby's throat. Usually, acid reflux disease happens when abdominal pressure increases while baby is very full. Coughing and crying right after baby had been fed can be the result of that pressure in the upper stomach which pushes the stomach acid to the throat.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

The observable symptoms on baby suffering from acid reflux are the loss of weight, constant vomiting, repeated choking episodes, excessively drooling, troubles in swallowing, hoarseness, food aversion and chronic ear infection.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Your baby may not show all or any of the noticeable symptoms of acid reflux such as throwing up. That's because they swallow the acids instead. Although the child is not troubled by the reflux, there could still be irritation and damage to the esophagus. A way of detection of silent acid reflux in infants is by the pH probe.

To diagnose acid reflux on infants, certain tests can be made. One of which is the barium test where the infant has to swallow a small amount of barium. Then the doctor can detect the passage of food outlined by the chemical. However, it will work only in the moment in which the child is experiencing acid reflux while being tested. Instead of barium, a radioactive solution could also be used prior to taking an x-ray. Through this, the frequency of the acid reflux could be tested. An endoscope views the infant's mouth, esophagus and the tract of food in the stomach.

An effective cure for infant acid reflux is a thickened formula. This could be done by adding cereal into baby's food. When feeding baby, keep him upright and not lying on his back. Try changing his diaper in an upright position especially after feeding when you know that the infant is still full. It's hard I know. Burp baby frequently to cut down the acid reflux. Small meals should be given at short time intervals.

Breastfeeding will also serve as a great help to decrease the vomiting and the symptoms of acid reflux in infants. The nutrients in a mother's breast milk have been proven to supplement the needs of the infants. Additionally, the natural make-up of breast milk avoids side effects such as constipation from chemically prepared medications. However, the pediatrician can prescribe other medications to give relief to the infant in times of discomfort. The parents must monitor the administration of the drug In case the particular formula prescribed does not work or results in more critical side effects,

Once infant acid reflux is detected, precautionary measures should immediately be taken. Baby cannot talk to you in words but his behaviour will be telling you that he is not well. You will need to be patient and understanding until what he is saying becomes clear.

What's Wrong With Baby? He Might Have Acid Reflux Disease

Acid Reflux In Newborns