Friday, August 12, 2011

Because my son is anemic

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Anemia in the juice of energy of children. Pediatricians say: "anemia hemoglobin less than 11 grams are decileter (100 millileters). And 'common in children, more children by cutting circles. In addition, children from families with higher incomes are not immune and can be anemic at some point in their lives. "

Acid Reflux In Newborns

What causes anemia?

Acid Reflux In Newborns

There are several possible causes of anemia in children.

Acid Reflux In Newborns

Infection. Children cananemic temporarily in case of illness or chronic infection with a virus. The virus slows down the body's ability to produce hemoglobin. Hookworms are a common cause of anemia in children, lose blood in the stool. " Chronic anemia. Inherited conditions that can affect the production of healthy red blood cells of chronic anemia such as thalassemia or sickle cell anemia disk. Weaknesses do. To have enough healthy red blood cellsCells requires the provision of adequate body iron, acid B-12 and folic acid. Children may be exposed to iron deficiency anemia in certain phases of life. Genetic causes. Some babies are born with anemia due to genetic causes.

The pioneer of energy

To understand what anemia means we need to know the role of red blood cells in the body. Every time we breathe in travels, oxygen in red blood cells of our blood for our full rangeParts of the body. If our body is little RBC, this means that our body is still a lack of oxygen at sea. Anemia can result in prolonged tissue damage, says Dr Seth. The New England Journal of Medicine reported a longitudinal study of iron deficient children. Completely in 1991, the study showed that infants with low iron levels also had lower IQ and mental function during the test at the age of five years.


He is pale Fatigue Irritable Under developmentnormal Low muscle tone

Prevent anemia

Iron deficiency anemia and other nutritional anemia can be easily avoided. So make sure your child eats a balanced diet and follow these precautions:

Never give cow's milk for your baby until it is more than a year. If you are breastfeeding your baby, give iron-fortified foods like cereal, when solid foods are introduced. Until then, it will absorb enough iron from breast milk. If yoube exclusively breastfed for four months, an iron supplement is recommended. However, the introduction of solids reduction of iron-poor, the amount of iron your baby is sucking milk. If you decide your milk powder, gives a formula enriched with iron. Make sure older children have a balanced diet and eat foods such as meat, poultry, eggs and vegetables that contain iron. In addition, many grains and cereals are fortified with iron. Other good sources of iron aregreen and yellow vegetables, yellow fruits, potatoes, tomatoes, molasses and raisins. Also increase the iron content of the diet of the whole family to use in the pulp of the potato cooking liquid with the skin. Make your child eat servings of fresh fruit, because iron needs a boost of vitamin C for better absorption.

Drug iron

When referring to a drug of iron, the following suggestions -

Avoid iron with milk because of altered calcium in milkwith the absorption of iron.

Vitamin C increases iron absorption, so we recommend a dose of iron with a glass of orange juice to follow.

By liquid iron tends to make the teeth of a gray-black, have your child swallow quickly and rinse your mouth with water. Maybe you want your child's teeth after each dose of iron brush. Although iron staining of the teeth is unattractive, is not permanent.

Drugs cause iron chairs in a dark black color.Do not worry, this does not change.

Caution -

Keep the medicine out of reach of children iron. Iron medications are highly toxic if taken in excessive amounts.

Because my son is anemic

Acid Reflux In Newborns

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