Acid Reflux In Newborns
The link between disease and the condition of the inner body is irrefutable. The inner cleaning of the human body is essential for it to perform at its best and boost its immune system to fight disease. The body converts to energy the food that it receives and in the process can experience some clogging up from impurities and require regular cleansing which can otherwise be a source of ill health. The elimination of waste generated in our system must take place at regular intervals, the body's natural biological processes will generate toxins which form a residue in the system and this process is on a continuous cycle from what we do and eat on a daily basis.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
Although the body has a natural way to control and eliminate waste along with toxins, it may become overworked under circumstances where the level of toxins is in excess to what the body will eliminate on a daily basis based on food intake and lifestyle. The key question is how is waste created? Cells inside the body are replaced with new ones during every moment of life which produce some of the waste, while food and drink also add to it. The challenge here is that the old cells are poisonous and need to be eliminated from the body regularly and thoroughly everyday.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
Our school and college education do not much emphasis on the effectiveness of a clean body and its influence on a healthy body and clear mind. The vast sums of money spent annually on health care is of a reactive nature which fund drugs, tests and other treatments which address the problem after it has occurred. At this stage, the subject of prevention might be mentioned but the importance of keeping the body clean with detoxification and reasonable hydration may well be ignored or not encouraged.
Acid Reflux In Newborns
The cleansing of the inner body is the secret to health as all those who have practise it will vouch. Cleansing the body will do more to lay the groundwork for prevention than just about any other measure you take. A good example of this is the detoxification programs of addictions such as drugs and alcohol, the aim here is to eliminate the dependence on the drugs by the cleansing of the toxins and drugs from the body so that it can regain balance and energy for a normal cycle of existence.
The pain and discomfort from the digestive area is the result of inflammation from uneliminated waste which has accumulated and putrefied along the length of the digestive tract with all its twists and turns starting from the mouth and ending where waste is removed from the body.
The real cause and nature of inflammation is not readily acknowledged by traditional medicine where the focus tends to be on viral or bacterial infection. The key point here is that it is the toxins which is feeding the bacteria and causing inflammation as a result of uneliminated toxins that have been in the body for longer than it ought to be. Our energy levels is reliant on the condition of our digestive system, this is where it all happens when you take into account the process of food intake and drawing all of the nutrients from it, eliminating the waste and interacting with other organs in the body like the stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas etc, plus the metabolic function that turn that food into blood, muscle and bone. You can appreciate why the digestive system consumes such a large amount of energy.
At some stage we have all felt the amount of energy that the digestive system consumes, in particular after a big meal of varied foods when your energy level are curtailed and you are more inclined to have a sleep instead of engaging in some physical activity.
Have you ever suffered the symptoms of a stomach ache? Or acid indigestion or acid reflux? And perhaps that heavy bloating feeling after a meal? These problems can all be attributed to foods not being properly and efficiently digested in the stomach, they stay in the stomach for too long and the eventual spoiling of the food causes the discomfort.
It is self evident that excessive eating and food combination is the major cause of those discomforts as anyone who has experimented with it will conquer.
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